Published On: August 31, 2023

With resilience now recognised as  a strategic issue for boards and senior management, the Resilience in Action series, delivered by Deloitte, in partnership with the National Preparedness Commission, explores how resilience professionals can apply those principles to help their organisations meet emerging challenges. Each part will cover a different topic at the forefront of leaders’ minds, such as new statutory requirements, supply chain transformation and resilience, and much more.

The six-part series builds on the core practices set out in Resilience Reimagined: A practical guide for organisations – a major report prepared for the Commission in 2021 by Deloitte and Cranfield University.

The series continues with Part Two:  Getting Ready for the Resilience Statement.  A broad effort is underway by the UK Government to restore trust in corporate governance and audit, and strengthen the resilience of the private sector.

This article explores the proposed changes to the UK Corporate Governance Code, specifically examining the Resilience Statement, which in-scope companies will have to provide for reporting periods from 1st January 2025.

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