On 25th January 2024, the International Public Policy Observatory (IPPO) hosted a webinar on Using Evidence During Crises and Fast-Paced Policy Environments. The IPPO is an ESRC-funded observatory mobilising global knowledge to address the social impacts of Covid-19 across the UK. This webinar discussed critical decision-making at speed during various crises from different hazard domains with wide-ranging impacts and how best to leverage evidence to make informed, defensible decisions under pressure. Key speakers included Arjen Boin, Professor of Public Institutions and Governance at Universiteit Leiden, Carrie Heitmeyer, Head of Social Science at the Government Office for Science and Eleanor Williams, leading the recently launched Australian Centre for Evaluation.

This webinar forms part of the Innovations in Making Evidence Useful series that began in September 2023. Previous webinars with recordings now available online include:

  • New Digital Tools for Linking Evidence to Action
  • How to Commission Rapid Evidence Assessments for Policy
  • Systems Mapping: Best Approaches and What Works for Policy Design
  • Transferability of Understanding: It Might Work, But Not for Everyone


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