The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) is today launching a new Heat-Health Alerting (HHA) service in partnership with the Met Office.


Read the full press release from the UK Health Security Agency


Alongside this the UKHSA has ramped up public risk communication, in response to the emerging risk of hot weather and extreme heat as summer approaches.


Read the latest edition of the UKHSA Online Blog; Come rain or shine, adverse weather matters for our health


In addition UKHSA has also released new guidance which aims to assist professionals in protecting vulnerable people from the health impacts of severe heat in England. Alongside Hot weather and health: action cards, Heat-Health Alert (HHA) action cards that summarise suggested actions to be taken by different professional bodies and organisations in the event of extreme heat.


Access the Guidance Hot weather and health: supporting vulnerable people


Access the Heat-Health Alert (HHA) action cards

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