The UK government has launched a white paper to guide the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the UK, to drive responsible innovation and maintain public trust in this revolutionary technology. The white paper sets out a new approach to regulating AI, which will help unleash its potential across the economy and improve productivity and growth. The approach will be based on five principles:


  • Safety, security and robustness: AI applications should function in a secure, safe and robust way where risks are carefully managed
  • Transparency and explainability: AI developers should be able to communicate and explain how and why AI is used and make decisions
  • Fairness: AI should comply with existing laws and not discriminate against individuals or create unfair outcomes
  • Accountability and governance: there should be appropriate oversight and clear accountability for the outcomes of AI
  • Contestability and redress: people should have clear routes to dispute harmful outcomes or decisions generated by AI


Organisations and individuals working with AI can share their views on the white paper as part of a new consultation to inform how the framework is developed in the months ahead. The consultation closes 21 June 2023.


Read the full press release from the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology


Access the white paper consultation from the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology and Office for Artificial Intelligence



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