The Emergency Planning College (EPC) has released its latest UK Resilience Lessons Digest Vol 3, Learning to Read Risks

Vol 3 was published shortly following the publication of the UK’s New National Risk Register (2023) with an article on how the Royal Academy of Engineers Review informed the latest National Risk Register methodology. The digest also includes lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic, lessons from Australia in responding to extreme weather, a new tool for healthcare and crisis response insights for navigating a poly/permacrisis.

The UK Resilience Lessons Digest is a collaborative publication supporting the timely analysis and sharing of transferable lessons at multiple levels. It uses various resources to promote lesson learning among responder organisations, government departments, and resilience partners. The Digest provides a central analysis of lessons from public reports, creating ‘Learning Themes’ and ‘Transferable Lessons’ that can be practically applied to improve resilience across the risk cycle. You can access all previous issues of the Lessons Digest from the EPC Website.

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