The UK government has launched a new Climate Change Hub to support the forestry sector in adapting to climate change. The hub centralizes information and resources on forestry and climate change adaptation, including UK Forestry Standard guidance, fact sheets, videos, and case studies. The hub is managed by Forest Research and was launched in collaboration with Defra, Scottish Forestry, and the Welsh Government.

Trees and woodlands are important for reducing environmental hazards and risks because they provide ecosystem services that help mitigate the impacts of climate change and other hazards. These services include absorbing carbon dioxide, reducing flood risk, preventing soil erosion, and providing habitats for wildlife.

  • Trees and improved woodland management are crucial for adapting to climate change and reaching the UK government’s goal of Net Zero by 2050.
  • The Climate Change Hub provides concise information about risks from the changing climate and how to identify suitable adaptation measures.
  • There is no single recommended approach to climate change adaptation as each woodland has different objectives and conditions. The hub provides detailed guidance through the decision-making process to enable managers to make informed decisions for their own woodlands.
  • The Climate Change Hub supports the government’s wider Net Zero strategy and follows commitments set out within the recently published Environmental Improvement Plan to improve our mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

Read the full press release from the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs

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