In the summer of 2022, the UK experienced five heatwaves, which caused over 2,900 excess deaths in England alone. A new evidence report, Turning Up The Heat, published by LSE, collates the key learning from the summer of 2022 from frontline practitioners alongside a review of current policy and strategy for managing and responding to extreme heat in the UK. It found that the country is ill-prepared for future extreme heat events, which are projected to become more likely as a result of climate change. The report recommends that the government develop a new Heat Risk Strategy to manage the risks associated with extreme heat.

The report identifies several concerns, including a lack of preparedness for the heat, a lack of specific resources and funding, and the need for better communication, public engagement, and education. However, the report also highlights some positive aspects of the response, such as successful forecasting and early warning systems, the deployment of the national heat alert system, and the prioritisation of vulnerable groups.

The report recommends developing a national heat risk strategy, a strengthened national adaptation program, and a new vision for leadership to ensure a step change in progress in addressing heat risk at all geographical levels.


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