The key to success is resilience: the ability to navigate through crises, and the capacity to adapt and succeed in the face of constant disruption. PwC’s Global Crisis and Resilience Survey 2023 delves into how organisations are directing their resources, efforts, and investments toward building resilience to thrive in a state of permacrisis.


“Business leaders face an unprecedented level of disruption and uncertainty in today’s rapidly changing environment. From geopolitical instability and the lingering COVID-19 pandemic to climate crises, cyber threats and faltering supply chains – a multitude of external macro forces are converging on the market. Organisations are also facing heightened levels of internal complexity and challenges – all intensifying the frequency and scale of disruption. This ceaseless cycle of change and disruption is the hallmark of today’s global business climate. Organisations are contending with an environment in permacrisis – constant movement, continuous disruption – as they attempt to undertake broader business transformations to adapt and address each challenge, emerge stronger from unplanned events, and thrive. Against this backdrop, resilience has become one of the most vital strategic priorities in the corporate world.”


Read the full report from PwC

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