Vector-borne diseases are illnesses from parasites, viruses, and bacteria transmitted by insects and other carriers. These diseases affect over a billion people worldwide and cause approximately one million deaths each year. Climate and environmental factors have an impact on these diseases. As a result of climate change, the geographic range, seasonality, and intensity of vector-borne diseases are being altered, posing a significant threat to public and animal health, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions. To prepare for this increasing risk, the CLIMOS project, an initiative under the European Horizon program, aims to mitigate the effects of climate change on sand fly-borne diseases specifically. The project will monitor climate and environmental drivers, develop a decision-support framework, and influence policies and practices to prevent and control these diseases. The CLIMOS project is part of the EU Climate-Health Cluster. It is a collaborative effort between six European research and innovation projects that address health risks caused by climate change. Its goal is to offer scientific evidence and policy advice to enhance resilience and preparedness.


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