The Cabinet Office’s Emergency Planning College (EPC) is celebrating the first anniversary of the UK Resilience ‘Lessons Digest’. This publicly available publication is part of the UK government’s efforts to enhance society’s resilience. The EPC has been synthesising lessons learned from significant exercises and emergencies to create a work program centred around the ‘Lessons Digest’. Its goal is to support lesson-learning within and across responder organisations, government departments, and more comprehensive resilience partners by sharing transferable lessons and themes from various sources and coordinating knowledge to continually improve doctrine, standards, good practice, training, and exercising.

Each digest issue analyses lessons learned from public-facing reports, creating an evidence base for ‘Learning Themes’ that represent common learning patterns across reports and ‘Transferable Lessons’ that can be applied in practice to build resilience across the risk cycle. The ‘Lessons Digest’ also showcases professional insights and distributed knowledge from responder organisations, academia, and industry domains to improve the implementation of lessons into UK doctrine, standards, training, and exercise.



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