A new report  ‘Navigating the crisis’ by the International Public Policy Observatory, examines how governments and stakeholders, used intelligence to handle the Covid-19 pandemic and its effects.

The report makes recommendations on how governments, and stakeholders could improve their ability to organise intelligence for a range of future challenges, ranging from pandemics to climate change. Based on an in-depth analysis into;

  • the types of intelligence used,
  • how this intelligence was communicated,
  • the role of relationships across a variety of scales,
  • the challenges of synthesis,
  • synthesis for understanding and action,
  • the organisation of the intelligence,
  • and lastly, the report looks beyond covid-19 at the role of government intelligence in the future.

The study draws on dozens of interviews with senior officials, with a range of examples of data uses and lessons identified, from many countries including the UK.

Read the full report 

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