The Behavioural Economics Guide 2023 introduces the main concepts, methods, and applications of behavioural economics, as well as some recent developments and challenges. The guide also features articles by experts on topics such as creative choices, strategic foresight, and nudging for good. The guide aims to provide a comprehensive and accessible overview of behavioural economics for practitioners, researchers, and students.

Relevant contributor editorials include


The Between Times of Applied Behavioural Science

This paper gives an overview of the role and applications of behavioural science and its value in understanding decision-making.

When “Nudge It” Can’t Budge It: Applying Motivation Research to Organizational Behaviour Design –  this paper provides an overview of the promise and limitations of applying a nudge approach to change behaviour and to enhance success a value and motive-based approach offers an alternative and lasting solution to changing behaviour within organisations.

A Better Way: How to Reduce Bias and Improve Decision-Making in Multidisciplinary Teams – This paper explores creating optimal decision-making and a process-focused set of guidelines to help teams overcome the challenges associated with biases and informational asymmetry that impede multi-disciplinary decision-making.

Navigating Uncertainty: Combining Behavioural Science and Strategic Foresight for a Systemic Approach to Decision-Making

explores how public policy and policymakers can leverage behavioural science, strategic foresight methods, and complementary tools to prepare policy and deliver outcomes to respond and adapt to future complexity and disruptions.

Evacuation Behaviour: Lessons for and From the War in Ukraine

provides a literature review of evacuation behaviours from conflict zones, comparing and contrasting this to disasters.

Behavioural Insights for Cyber Security: Nudging New Zealanders to Be Secure Online

This paper explores how New Zealand has deployed behavioural insights from theory into practice in response to increasing cyber security incidents post-pandemic. The paper explores how behavioural change increases public preparedness for future cybersecurity risks.


Click here to read Samson, A. (Ed.)(2023). The Behavioral Economics Guide 2023

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