The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) has published its latest status report on Target E of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. The report highlights the continued efforts made by governments in developing and implementing national and local disaster risk reduction (DRR) strategies.

The Sendai Framework is a global agreement that focuses on reducing disaster risk and increasing resilience. It outlines 7 clear targets and 4 priorities for action. Target E aims for countries to have national and local DRR strategies in place.

According to the report, there have been significant advances in developing national DRR strategies since the adoption of the Sendai Framework in 2015. At a regional level, major progress has also been witnessed, with five regions adopting regional strategies at Regional Platforms. At a local level, the number of countries reporting to have local DRR strategies has almost doubled.

The report confirms that Target E is the foundation for achieving other targets and has triggered concrete DRR implementation. It also highlights the shift in governments’ focus from developing towards implementing their DRR strategies.


Report from the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction


For more information on Disaster Risk Reduction and the Sendai Framework in the UK; Read the Public Health England (2017) review that provides a list of PHE’s activities and projects to meet the targets and goals of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction

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