The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030: Reflections and insights from the Global Engineering Community. The UNDRR’s Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction is undergoing a formal mid-term review to take stock of implementation and impact since its launch in 2015, understand what context shifts have occurred, and identify how to accelerate uptake to 2030 and beyond.


Although the Sendai Framework is aimed at national governments, its implementation is a multi-stakeholder effort, and engineers have a key role to play. The International Coalition for Sustainable Infrastructure (ICSI), with support from the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), led a multi-lingual consultation to elicit the views from the global engineering community.


The paper highlights several recommendations from the engineering community as areas where they can bring a significant contribution to accelerate their implementation, including highlighting the role of disaster risk reduction and resilience in relation to global agendas, developing and implementing systemic risk and resilience frameworks, accelerating improvement of data collection, encouraging multi-disciplinary cross-sector collaboration among experts, and educating policymakers, practitioners, and the public on DRR and resilience concepts.


Overarching recommendations;


  • The role of DRR and resilience needs to be highlighted in relation to global agendas
  • Develop and implement systemic risk and resilience frameworks and establish resilience focused agencies and governing bodies
  • Accelerate improvement of data collection, analysis and methodology through technological advances and sustained investment
  • Encourage multi-disciplinary cross-sector collaboration among experts to tackle complex challenges
  • Educate policymakers, practitioners, and the public on DRR and resilience concepts


Report from the International Coalition for Sustainable Infrastructure

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