RiskPACC is an EU Horizon 2020 project that aims to understand and close the Risk Perception Action Gap (RPAG) between citizens and Civil Protection Authorities (CPAs) in Europe regarding disaster resilience. The Risk Perception Action Gap refers to the misalignment between:

Risk perception of the public and their subsequent actions.

Public response and what authorities expect it to be.

Authority’s response and what the public expects it to be.

RiskPACC assumes a co-creation approach, facilitating interactions between the public and local civil protection authorities across seven differing case studies to develop and test solutions that will enhance overall emergency and disaster resilience.

The project’s intended outcome is a ‘Risk Pack’ of solutions, including a framework and methodology for closing the risk perception action gap. Solutions will also extend to a repository of best practices and new digital tools that leverage community data training and guidance to enhance preparedness, response, and recovery for emergencies and disasters.

RiskPACC will be holding an open workshop on 26th March 2024, giving participants a chance to learn more about RiskPACC, test the platform, and provide feedback on how to get involved in further development.

Sign up for the Workshop online: https://publicsonar.com/riskpacc-workshop/

Find out more about RiskPACC: https://www.riskpacc.eu/

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