The Global Initiative on Disaster Risk Management (GIDRM) report on why risk-informed development matters emphasises the importance of adopting a Risk-Informed Development (RID) perspective to safeguard development progress, build resilience, and ensure inclusivity. RID aims to improve decision-making in all development sectors by considering current and future risks. It emphasises the need to integrate risk considerations into all decision-making processes to contribute to RID, which offers significant opportunities to improve development outcomes and enhance resilience in a rapidly changing world.

The report highlights the significance of collaboration across sectors and adopting a risk-informed approach to development to create a sustainable and resilient future for all members of society. Important points from the publication include the need to sustain the progress and improvements brought about by global policy initiatives such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris Agreement, and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015 – 2030). This necessitates understanding risks and factoring them into development decisions. It also involves recognising the interconnectedness and interdependence between sectors, nations, or individuals and managing these as systems. The report also underscores the necessity to transition towards RID, going beyond risk reduction to shape our development paths informed by risk.



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