This research briefing explains how local area energy planning (LAEP) can help achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 in the UK. Local area energy planning (LAEP) could improve national energy security and reduce environmental risks by providing an action plan for local leaders that also accounts for action at the local level with alignments to national policy. It incorporates technical evidence on the whole energy system, wider non-technical factors, and stakeholder engagement.

LAEP aims to deliver cost savings, social benefits and a more coordinated energy transition by taking a proactive, whole-systems, place-specific approach to energy planning. By taking a more proactive, whole-systems, data-driven approach to energy planning, LAEP aims to deliver cost savings and a more managed energy transition1. LAEPs have recently become a statutory requirement for Welsh local authorities. ‘Trailblazer cities’ like Greater Manchester have adopted LAEPs with ambitious pre-2050 net zero targets across the UK.


Click here to read the full research briefing from UK Parliament’s POSTnote

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