In this article for UK Authority, Mark Say, Managing Editor, Discusses the Public Sector Digital Trends 2024 Report by Soctim (The Society for Innovation, Technology and Modernisation). The report has identified three key technologies – AI, geospatial and extended reality – that have the potential to enhance public sector work by improving decision-making, integrated service delivery, risk and data management, and community resilience in cyber security. AI can automate and enhance service journeys, decisions, and outcomes. At the same time, geospatial technologies can help design and deliver more integrated, accessible, and responsive services aligned to the needs of citizens and places. Extended reality offers opportunities to interact with citizens, test service designs, monitor risks and performance, and reduce costs. However, successfully adopting these technologies requires careful consideration of policies, compliance, skills, risk control, and data readiness. Additionally, community resilience is the next stage of cybersecurity that public services must focus on to protect their supply chains and broader infrastructures. Collaboration and joint working are essential for defining digitally-based service models in connected places, requiring public services to change their organisational structures and governance and work with local and national leadership to leverage them.


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