The Risk-informed Early Action Partnership’s (REAP) working group on early warning initiatives has been co-led by Practical Action and the UK Met Office to produce a new draft paper for consultation that outlines “The role of state and non-state actors in early warning and early action”. The draft paper emphasises the essential role of non-state actors in early warning and early action for undertaking effective disaster risk reduction. The draft paper presents eight recommendations for action by international organisations, national governments and stakeholders involved in early warning and early action. The recommendations aim to enhance stakeholder collaboration and ensure a more holistic response to risk reduction and response activities. Recommendations are backed and supported by actions intended to facilitate the recommendations’ uptake, utilisation and sustainability within the draft paper.

Consultation on the draft is intended to gather feedback from diverse stakeholders to ensure its legitimacy and credibility whilst fostering engagement and ownership over the recommendations. The consultation is open until 19th January 2024, and feedback can be submitted via an online survey.


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