Ordnance Survey (OS) Maps have released significant updates to the OS National Geographic Database (NGD) that will enhance emergency service preparedness and response capabilities, alongside data to improve risk modelling for the insurance sector and Local Authorities for managing building stock and climate change adaptation.

New data improvements to buildings include more detailed footprint, use class, activity, and occupancy data. This provides vital information about the building geometry, use, connectivity, and number of addresses to enhance planning activities and situational awareness for emergency response.

Transport data improvements include a new ‘generalised rail network for Great Britain’ providing information on local area rail connectivity regarding transport needs, goods supply, and network usage. This can contribute to greater situational awareness for emergency services when responding to rail-related incidents.

Transport data improvements include coverage of Great Britain’s Path Network and Pavement Presence to support Local Authorities in urban routing and access analysis, which can lead to improving and implementing active travel policies, expanding green infrastructure connectivity, and access to green spaces, all of which can lead to improved public health outcomes at the local level and reduce congestion through an increase in active travel.


Click here to read the press release from the Ordnance Survey

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