The local climate adaptation guide was developed in collaboration with the University of Exeter, the European Center for Environment and Human Health, Oxfordshire County Council, and Cornwall Council. The guide has been specifically designed for design makers, explaining the necessities of climate adaptation and offering practical insights for implementation at the local level across public, private and voluntary sector organisations, including the emergency services. The guidance encourages mitigation while promoting health, nature, and diversity inclusion. It uses an evidence-based approach to communicate risk clearly to decision-makers. It highlights critical information, strategies, and case studies that promote preparedness and proactive solutions to build climate resilience.

In the full press release, the authors emphasise that action on climate adaptation is urgent as climate risk increases with a diverse range of impact pathways that can be explored through the impact scenario mapping tool. The Local Climate Adaptation Tool (LCAT) is an online tool designed to support local decision-makers in planning and adapting to climate change in the UK.



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