The Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction has launched a new guide and toolkit for Locally-led Anticipatory Action. This guide is aimed at disaster preparedness and emergency response. It outlines how civil society organisations can collaborate with communities and mandated technical and donor agencies to localise and scale up early warning and early action. The guide recognises that locally-led anticipatory action is essential in strengthening locally-led risk-informed approaches. This resource outlines an overall process and three main approaches in locally-led anticipatory action. These include community-led early action, locally-led early action, and enhanced participatory contingency planning. The guide applies to various hazardous events and includes 14 downloadable tools to support civil society organisations. These include templates for Gap and Policy analysis, Participatory Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (PVCA) and Forecast-Based Action (FbA) plan, action planning and learning, standard operating procedures, early action protocols and alerts, performance review, microgrant management, lessons learning and roundtable guidance.


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