Local Resilience Forums (LRFs) are crucial in ensuring the UK Government’s Resilience Framework is delivered effectively. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of LRFs in emergency preparedness and response.

An LRF improvement process is currently underway, underpinned by three pillars: Leadership, Accountability, and Integration. The pillars form the basis for strengthening the roles and responsibilities of LRFs, with a greater focus on prevention and preparation to enhance resilience.

The Local Resilience, Emergency Preparedness, and Response Conference organised by Westminster Insight will bring LRFs and public, voluntary, and private partners together with an opportunity for multi-agencies to examine the lessons learned from recent inquiries and incorporate them into LRF emergency preparedness planning and response.

The conference will provide updates on The UK Government’s Resilience Framework, DLUHC’s Stronger LRFs Programme, and the emerging themes from the COVID-19 Inquiry Module 1. It will also feature workshops led by the Cabinet Office, DLUHC, and EPC to examine the lessons identified in recent inquiries that LRFs can take forward and develop. Additionally, it will cover the role of the voluntary and community sector in emergency planning and response, as well as how to build more resilient communities.

Lord Toby Harris, Chair of the National Preparedness Commission, will lead a discussion with the NFCC Lead for Local Resilience and the NPCC Lead for Civil Contingencies on improving multi-agency working. The conference will also include a case study from GMCA’s Chief Resilience Officer, one of the Stronger LRFs Programme pilots.



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