Responsible AI UK, is an international ecosystem for responsible AI research and innovation, funded by the Technology Missions Fund. A multidisciplinary group of researchers, from across the four nations of the UK, committed to enabling artificial intelligence that’s responsible, trustworthy, and benefits everyday life.


Working in a spirit of openness and collaboration, during the next five years Responsible AI UK, will convene researchers, industry professionals, policy makers and civil society organisations. To conduct and fund research into responsible AI, with calls for grants ranging from £50k to £3m to be announced later this year.


Additionally Responsible AI UK intends to develop a skills programme for those building, buying and using AI. Whilst continuing to speak with policy leaders across the UK, to  respond to concerns around AI, identify needs for new standards, and build capacity for public accountability.


Responsible AI UK will be holding it’s first town hall meeting in 2023. Experienced researchers, early career researchers, people working in or around the development or deployment of AI, policy professionals, and people from civil society organisations are welcome.


Find out more information about Responsible AI UK

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