The Government Analysis Function has released a new Introductory Guide to Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) for civil servants involved in public sector decision-making. The Guide provides a general introduction to MCDA and its application in various contexts, focusing on decision-making in the public sector. It uses a fictional example to illustrate the application of MCDA to a crisis response service and training centre, through a series of diagrams. MCDA is described as a method that combines qualitative and quantitative elements to assist decision-makers in choosing between options with conflicting objectives. The Guide emphasises the importance of stakeholder engagement and carefully considering preferences and objectives in decision-making. The main process steps outlined in the Guide include problem structuring, options and performance establishment, stakeholder preference elicitation, and output review. MCDA is recommended for long-list appraisal in public expenditure decisions, aligning with UK Treasury Green Book guidance, and is applied in policy making.



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