Researchers from Cardiff University / Prifysgol Caerdydd and King’s College London, with support from charitable organisations and UN agencies, are undertaking a new project on household preparedness plans. The project, funded by Lloyd’s Register Foundation, aims to develop and test resources to help households in low-income and lower-middle-income countries prepare for disasters in multi-hazard contexts. The learning and insights from this will be widely transferable.


The project will use the 2021 World Risk Poll data to identify countries with high and low uptake of household preparedness plans and identify and share good practices. This will help support the development and use of household preparedness plans in other places. The team plans to co-develop a suite of resources (or tools) that households and charitable organisations can use to help prepare for disasters in areas affected by multiple interrelated hazards. The project expects to improve the understanding and capacity of vulnerable households to enact multi-hazard preparedness plans and reduce the disaster’s impacts on their lives and livelihoods.


The researchers are calling for institutions and agencies responsible for disaster risk reduction, including charities, government agencies, and intergovernmental groups, to contact them if they work at the household level to reduce disaster impacts.


Click here to read the press release from the Lloyd’s Register Foundation.

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