This commentary article in Springer Nature is by Andrew C. Tupper and Professor Carina J. Fearnley, from University College London.


The commentary warns of the significant limitations and structural gaps in existing disaster early-warning systems; arguing that supporting actions must be accelerated and investment scaled-up, with a renewed focus on low-income countries, multi-sector cooperation, risk data collection and information management.


In parallel, the authors call for strengthened collective action to facilitate more joined-up thinking to solve the more significant challenges identified in developing early warning systems capable of addressing multi-hazard risk, considering exposure, vulnerability and potential impacts using an accountable, people-centric approach.


The paper was published in advance of COP28, the UN Climate Change conference commencing on the 30th November 2023. The five-year initiative “Early Warnings for All initiative”, launched last year, is featured on the conference agenda, alongside the launch of an additional risk-informed and early action initiative “, Getting Ahead of Disasters: A Charter on Finance for Managing Risks”, that provides “principles aimed at enhancing the use of finance to mitigate risks and protect the most vulnerable from climate-related disasters.”

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