Geo-hazard International and US AID have collaborated to create guidelines to enhance scenario practice for building resilience to geological hazards. The guidance aims to support the development of “next generation” scenarios that drive policy development and risk mitigation actions. It focuses on earthquakes, landslides, and volcanoes in low-resource international settings but offers transferable insights applicable to diverse contexts and hazards. Scenarios are highlighted for raising awareness, improving preparedness, and motivating risk reduction actions. The critical components of a scenario include a science-based hazard assessment, an estimation of potential damage, and a description of likely consequences. The guidance emphasises the importance of embedding two-way communication, engaging stakeholders in feedback loops, and assembling a capable team for implementing solutions to complex risk problems. Additionally, it stresses the need to understand the local context through community asset mapping, social network analysis, and identification of community values and goals for a practical scenario.



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