The UK Government has published its long-awaited response to Bishop James Jones’ independent report: “The patronising disposition of unaccountable power”, published in 2017; on the experiences of the families of the 97 people killed in the Hillsborough disaster in 1989. The report offered what many regarded as a blueprint for public accountability, calling for a new Hillsborough Law to introduce a legal “duty of candour” on public authorities and officials to tell the truth. The government response instead sets out a new Hillsborough Charter for families bereaved through public tragedy, and legislation to introduce an organisational duty of candour for policing; part of the code of practice for ethical policing laid down in Parliament on 6th December 2023

The Chief Coroner also published a response to the report on 6th December 2023, and the National Police Response was posted on 31st January 2023.


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