The UK government has published the latest Defence Command Paper 2023, a refresh of the 2021 Defence Command Paper (DCP). The DCP aims to outline how UK Defence will adapt to the changing global security situation and deliver on the Integrated Review Refresh 2023.


The DCP explains how UK defence will shape the international environment, increase focus on deterrence and defence, address vulnerabilities, invest in its strengths, and put science and technology at the heart of its design. The DCP also details how UK defence will step up its commitment to NATO and other allies, invest in strategic enablers and infrastructure, bring greater coherence to its global operations, and contribute to strengthening the nation’s resilience. The DCP aims to ensure that UK defence can protect the nation and help it prosper in a more contested and volatile world. It reflects the UK’s ambition to be a science and technology superpower, a global leader in cyber and space, and a responsible nuclear state.


Click here to read the full Defence Command Paper (2023) from the MOD.


An article for Civil Service World, provides some commentary on the Defence Command Paper 2023, focusing on supply chains in defence and the challenges and opportunities the UK faces in a contested and volatile world. The article offers insights and recommendations on how the UK can improve its defence capabilities and readiness by adopting a more agile and resilient procurement strategy and suggests that the UK needs to be more innovative and proactive in developing and deploying defence solutions to meet modern-day conflicts’ evolving threats and demands.


Read the full article from Civil Service World.

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