The UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, International Science Council, Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, and the Simon Institute for Longterm Governance have collaborated to develop a briefing note on hazards that have the potential to lead to global and existential catastrophes. The note identifies ten hazards, such as geological, biological, technological, and social hazards, that can affect multiple systems and bypass established response and coping capacities.


The Global Risk Dialogues will bring together international specialists and practitioners to discuss the practical implications of various hazards for risk research and governance.

The second session takes place online on 28th November 2023 at 1.30pm, and will discuss how risk research must evolve to promote better understanding and management of hazards with escalation potential, including:


  • Examining experience and good practice from global practitioners working on the management of risks related to hazards with escalation potential.
  • Discussing how risk governance needs to evolve in the face of hazards with escalation potential.
  • Calling for risk policymakers to address gaps in the governance of hazards that could trigger cascades, leading to global and existential catastrophe, as well as their drivers.


This builds on the first Risk Dialogue, held on 13th November 2023, focused on implications for risk research.


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