The FutuResilience Project is an initiative by the European Union to promote societal resilience by creating science-based co-creation labs. The project has established 10 FutuResilience labs across Europe, with each focusing on a range of thematic drivers to increase resilience in the long term. These topics include migration, climate change, healthcare systems, floods, labour markets, cybersecurity, governance of land planning, social conflicts, mobility and energy, and marginalised communities access to housing. The project also seeks to develop a knowledge base featuring over 600 policy documents and a toolbox designed to empower policymakers with foresight techniques. A team of experts from the consortium will guide the project’s implementation.

To introduce the project, a webinar will be held on 10th April 2024, from 13:00 to 15:00 BST. The webinar will provide an overview of the conceptual and methodological approaches that underpin the project, including defining what societal resilience means for Europe and the role of experimentation spaces and methodologies for policy testing in uncertain futures. The webinar will also highlight the approaches of the 10 FutuResilience labs in building societal resilience, offering insight into the diverse challenges they face and the methodologies they propose.


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