Deloitte has launched a four-part series of articles exploring the interconnected themes of climate risk, resilience and adaptation.


Part 1: Lessons learnt from multisectoral climate risk assessments

This perspective piece provides reflections on lessons learned from undertaking multisectoral climate risk assessments. The article emphasises the need to enhance action towards climate change adaptation in concurrency with emission reduction activities. The article gives an overview of multisectoral risk assessments and what they aim to achieve at state and national levels.


Part 2: Financing climate resilience and adaptation

This perspective piece takes a systems-based overview of the impacts of climate change and its impacts on social, economic, and environmental domains that underpin modern society’s functionality. The article centres on the opportunity for businesses, governments and communities to harness climate finance to increase resilience and enable adaptation to climate change. It positions climate finance as a way and means to mitigate risk, build coping capacity across domains, and proactively facilitate the achievement and protection of strategic objectives across domains. The article argues that to alter approaches at the strategic level, two core actions are required: (i) building investor confidence and (ii) shifting mindsets to re-prioritise investment.


Part 3: Autonomous adaptation

This perspective piece explores how individuals are taking climate resilience into their own hands due to the increasing impacts climate change is having on lives and livelihoods worldwide on a day-to-day basis. The article recognised that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to this. That context-driven collaboration between partners is necessary to facilitate effective joined-up planning to coordinate efforts and ensure adaptation responses and climate change preparedness are tailored to the needs of local communities and their environments.


Part 4: Climate risk in the public sector

This final piece in this perspective series, explores the complexity of shared risk within the private sector in Australia, with emphasis on the impacts of climate change. The article explores what climate change means from the perspective of industry production and supply chains and measures that can be taken to respond and adapt effectively to such increasing risks. The article additionally explores lessons from practice with regards to Climate-related Financial Disclosures and the increasing spotlight on transparency and accountability for governance and risk Management.


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