Efficiency and resilience: How can we adjust the dial? A report by the University of Oxford, The Government Outcomes Lab at the Blavatnik School of Government and Cambridge Assessment Network


The report is based on a roundtable discussion at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford, in January 2023. The discussions were organised around four of the UK governance system;

  • Departments and local delivery
  • Centre of Government
  • Evidence community, and
  • Civil society


The report outlines ideas generated from the routable as to how the UK government can foster effective cross-sector partnerships, and how policy can shift towards prevention and resilience. The report argues that efficiency as the sole guiding principle for public spending undermines national resilience in the long-term in favour of short-term performance metrics, which could ultimately have catastrophic implications for national resilience. The report also provides ideas on how a better balance can be struck between efficiency and resilience, with a view to delivering actual long-term value for money and less resource waste.


Full report from the University of Oxford

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