The UK Government has released the fourth version of its counter-terrorism strategy, CONTEST 2023. The goal of the strategy is to minimise the threat of terrorism to the UK and its citizens, allowing them to live their lives with greater freedom and confidence. This newest version highlights the significance of a flexible and collaborative approach involving multiple stakeholders to address new and evolving risks. It emphasises the importance of partnerships, as well as the integration of new and developing legislation to support the overall response.


Read the CONTEST 2023 Factsheet from the Home Office


In this article, Matt Jukes, the Head of Counter Terrorism Policing, shares his thoughts on the updates to the UK’s counter-terrorism strategy. Highlighting previous success reflected in no terror-related fatalities in 2022, resulting from disruptive efforts by counter-terrorism policing. The article emphasises the importance of partnerships, especially in light of new threats. Additionally emphasising the significance of technology and staying ahead both physically and virtually. The article additionally acknowledges the importance of maintaining a positive relationship with the public and the increasing role that the public plays in counter-terrorism efforts.


Read the full interview from Counter Terrorism Policing

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