In early December 2023, more than 50 international projects across crisis management, societal resilience, risk governance, technologies for responders, and interoperability convened in Brussels for the CERIS DRS annual event. The recordings and presentations from this event are now available online.

Prof. Van Westen is the PARATUS project co-ordinator, dedicated to promoting disaster preparedness and resilience by co-developing stakeholder support tools for managing the systemic risk of compounding disasters. He joined a high-level stakeholder panel to discuss connecting multi-hazard and compounding risk initiatives at EU level, alongside representatives from other major EU projects: MEDiate, Climaax, MYRIAD-EU and ESA-EO4MULTIHA.

In addition to this panel event Prof. Van Westen presented on the complex interactions of impact chains, developed from participatory workshops with stakeholder’s case studies from the PARATUS project. This presentation introduced the new Stakeholder Hub and outlined the synergies and opportunities that this can bring for achieving enhancing societal resilience goals. The Stakeholder Hub is designed to bring together a dynamic network of organisations interested in contributing to this aspect of societal resilience.


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