RiskChanges is a publicly available open-source tool that the University of Twente developed in collaboration with the Asian Institute of Technology Geoinformatics Centre. It aims to assist organisations in assessing and managing multi-hazard risks by providing multi-hazard assessment, data management, spatial analysis and visualisation. RiskChanges has a wide range of applications that can be used in different stages of the risk reduction and risk management processes, including risk assessment and mapping, disaster preparedness and response, risk reduction planning, and climate change adaptation. The tool has been applied in various projects and contexts worldwide, and used in training sessions for capacity building and knowledge sharing.

The tool has attracted global interest and uptake, including the EU Horizon Europe PARATUS project, which aims to increase the preparedness of first and second responders in the face of multi-hazard events, and to reduce the risks associated with complex disasters’ cross-sectoral impacts. RiskChanges will be used to develop a cloud-based online service platform that supports reducing dynamic risk scenarios and systemic vulnerability caused by multi-hazard disasters. The project will perform in-depth assessments of complex hazard interactions and their resulting impacts and study how future scenarios could change impacts. These scenarios of multi-hazard impacts will be co-designed with stakeholders and developed in four case-study areas (including the Caribbean, Romania, and Istanbul).

Read the full press release on Prevention Web.


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