A recent study by researchers from Anglia Ruskin University, published in the Journal Urban Climate, examined the flooding resilience of the London Borough of Southwark. The study developed a Flood Resilience Index (FRI) inspired by the CORFU project, which was based on the Borough’s natural, physical, economic, social, and institutional attributes. The FRI revealed that Southwark has low levels of flooding resilience due to a combination of natural vulnerabilities exacerbated by urban challenges such as housing poverty, lack of green space, and limited social capital. The study contributes to understanding urban flood resilience and provides a framework for evaluating resilience in other urban areas. The study also found that Southwark’s Local Flood Risk Management Strategy falls short of providing a comprehensive roadmap to addressing challenges. The FRI serves as a tool for devising flood management and resilience strategies by identifying the drivers of vulnerability and resilience of an area.

Further advice on flood preparedness

With over 5 million properties at risk of flooding in the UK, this article from the National Emergencies Trust provides valuable tips on preparing for flooding, including staying informed, creating an emergency kit, developing a family plan, getting flood insurance, and protecting your home. The article also emphasises the importance of community engagement and support for organisations like the National Emergencies Trust, as flood emergencies and disasters can have severe financial and human impacts.


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