The World Bank has published an independent group evaluation of the World Bank’s contribution to Adaptive Social Protection for Effective Crisis Response.

The purpose of the evaluation is twofold: (i) to assess whether the World Bank’s support for social protection has incorporated adaptive elements over time, and (ii) to assess the relevance and effectiveness of the World Bank in supporting client countries to make social protection systems more adaptive.

The report sets out how natural, economic, or political shocks affect the well-being and resilience of poor and vulnerable households and the challenges they face to prepare, cope, and adapt. The report explores how social protection, disaster risk management, and climate change adaptation sectors gain synergies through commonality and complementary strategies to build the resilience of poor and vulnerable people to covariate shocks through adaptive social protection (ASP) systems. The report examines How the World Bank has evolved its strategic approach and framework for ASP and how it supports client countries through investments in four building blocks: programs, data and information, finance and institutional arrangements, and partnerships.

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