The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery has introduced a new tool called The Frontline Scorecard, designed to assess a country’s health system’s resilience to disasters and climate change. The scorecard evaluates the integration of a country’s health system with emergency management and infrastructure systems. The report highlights the operational examples of Belize, where the scorecard helped identify and prioritise actions for building resilience and guiding the direction for technical assistance. The tool aims to help countries conduct an initial broad-based assessment and build resilience against disasters and climate change.

The Frontline Scorecard report has recently been published. It aims to identify significant risks and potential areas for action for primarily supporting low- and middle-income countries, with transferable insights for others regarding disaster-resilient health systems. The report evaluates over 80 distinct indicators across different priority areas, using data from multinational institutions and national public reports. Its operational benefits include speed, reliability, flexibility, and broad applicability, making it a valuable tool for all countries striving to enhance disaster resilience.



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