The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and the Environment Agency have announced the Frequently Flooded Allowance, a £100 million funding program for areas in England that have suffered repeated flooding. The allowance targets communities where 10 or more properties have flooded twice or more in the last 10 years.


The funding will go towards improving resilience through a mixture of hard engineering flood defences and natural flood management measures. It will also support the installation of property flood resilience measures such as flood doors and barriers. This will help to reduce the risk of future flooding and improve the ability of these communities to respond to and recover from flood events.


This funding is part of a record £5.2 billion investment in flood defences to better protect communities across England. Since the start of the current investment programme (2021-2027), more than 35,000 properties have already been better protected.

Read the press release from the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs

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