The Emergency Planning Society has announced its 2023 Annual Conference – Celebrating 30 years of Emergency Planning & Resilience. This will take place in Manchester on the 7th and 8th of November, 2023. The two-day event aims to cover four themes:

Frameworks, structures, and society: A session that discusses the UK Government’s Resilience Framework, the role of local resilience forums, and how to operationalise societal resilience with research and practice.

Incidents, consequences, and learning: A session that covers crisis communication, CBRN challenges, and human aspects of emergency planning, with case studies and expert insights

Looking forward – tools to empower and embed Human Aspects across Emergency Planning: A session that showcases various initiatives and resources to enhance community resilience and human aspects in emergency planning.

Adaptability – humanities superpower: A session highlighting the importance of creative thinking and non-technical skills for emergency planning, with a keynote speech and a storytelling performance.


Click here to read the full conference pack and programme – A Journey of Adaptability.

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