The House of Commons Science, Innovation and Technology Select Committee has launched an inquiry into the Cyber resilience of the UK’s critical national infrastructure.

As the third most targeted country for cyber-attacks, the UK has seen increased offensive cyber capabilities by state and non-state actors. The UK Government’s National Cyber Strategy 2022 and the Government Cyber Security Strategy 2022-2030 have identified cyber threats to the UK’s Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) as a significant national security concern. The Science, Innovation and Technology Committee inquiry aims  to explore the UK’s progress towards achieving resilience targets by 2025. The investigation will also examine the government’s approach to standards and regulations for cyber resilience and preparedness, supply chain access, and trusted partners.

The Committee seeks input on several topics related to the cyber resilience of the country’s Critical National Infrastructure (CNI). These topics include:

  • The types and sources of cyber threats to key CNI sectors: Communications, Energy, Government, and Finance.
  • The strengths and weaknesses of the UK Government’s National Cyber Strategy 2022 and Government Cyber Security Strategy 2022-2030 about CNI.
  • The effectiveness of the strategic lead provided by the National Security Council, Government Departments and agencies, and the National Cyber Security Centre.
  • The effectiveness of the Government’s relationships with private-sector operators and regulators in protecting CNI organisations from cyber-attacks.
  • The interventions required from Government and CNI organisations to achieve the Government’s cyber resilience targets by 2025.
  • The role of ‘secure by design’ and emerging technologies in the cyber resilience of CNI.


The inquiry is accepting evidence until 10 November 2023. Click here to find out more about the Inquiry and read the call for evidence

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