The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery’s City Resilience Program has published the “Urban Flood Risk Handbook: Assessing Risk and Identifying Interventions”. The guide provides practical methods and case studies to assist cities in conducting urban flood risk assessments, evaluating options for mitigating flood risks, and effectively allocating resources for flood preparedness and resilience programs. It emphasises the importance of stakeholder engagement, data quality, uncertainty analysis, intervention evaluation, and environmental and social impacts.

Urban flooding affects a significant portion of the world’s population and puts lives and livelihoods at risk. With its comprehensive practical guidance and wide application range, the Handbook helps governments and other stakeholders improve the quality and actionability of urban flood risk assessments. At a practical level, the guide is intended for project managers, technical practitioners, local stakeholders, and anyone interested in strategic studies of urban flooding. It also includes case studies from six countries:

  • The role of different flood hazards in a Level 2 flood risk assessment in Greater Monrovia, Liberia
  • Selection of a flood hazard modelling approach for Greater Paramaribo, Suriname
  • Probabilistic flood risk assessment for Zanzibar City and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
  • Strong stakeholder engagement in Indonesia
  • Addressing the climate adaptation deficit in Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Testing the robustness of different interventions in N’Djili River, Democratic Republic of Congo


Ferguson, Scott; Van Ledden, Mathijs; Rubinyi, Steven; Campos, Ana; Doeffinger, Tess. 2023. Urban Flood Risk Handbook: Assessing Risk and Identifying Interventions. © Washington, DC: World Bank. License: CC BY-NC 3.0 IGO.

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