Oxford University Press in the UK has released “Disaster Insurance Reimagined: Protection in a Time of Increasing Risk” as an open-access publication. This book, authored by Paula Jarzabkowski, Konstantinos Chalkias, Eugenia Cacciatori, and Rebecca Bednarek, explores the protection gap, the strengths and weaknesses of knowledge sharing, and market control and responsibility for protection. It provides a comprehensive understanding of Protection Gap Entities (PGEs) worldwide and their role in disaster insurance. The book is valuable for professionals and scholars in disaster risk management, insurance, government, intergovernmental organisations, and those interested in paradox theory, insurance, and risk. Furthermore, the book highlights the tensions and dynamics of collaborations between the private sector and government stakeholders in the changing disaster risk landscape for insurance and the protection gap.


Read the full open-access book Disaster Insurance Reimagined: Protection in a Time of Increasing Risk.

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